How I used the Enneagram for self-improvement

If you have not taken the enneagram test go take it right now! Here is a link to a free version of this test online. It takes about ten minutes and is SO worth it. This assessment goes hand-in-hand with the MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator). When using these two personality tests together you can find certain patterns and traits that really seem to link themselves to you!

I took the Enneagram test and got my results back as type two, aka the helper. When I read this I was a bit confused. I decided to actually research what this meant and read more about it in depth. I was shocked at how much this test brought to light regarding who I am and why I respond certain ways. It wasn’t necessarily the positive elements that stood out to me, but rather the negative. That’s kind of how life works though, right? We can read or hear twenty positives, but one negative takes our whole focus. In this instance I was thankful it did.

As I continued to research I saw that type two’s seem to “help” or do things for others because they would want them to be done for themselves. This doesn’t sound too bad until you really delve in. For example, let’s say I notice a friend going through a bad break-up I would think of myself in that situation and what I would want a friend to do for me. I would go bring him/her ice cream, some stupid comedies, and do whatever I could to take their mind off of the situation. Now let’s imagine that the roles are reversed and I am the individual suffering from a bad break-up or something of the sort, and my closest friends don’t do this for me. How do you think I am going to react If I have these expectations of how my friends should treat me and respond? The answer? Probably not too happy…

Once I began to understand this truth about who I am, I kept catching myself becoming bitter when others did not live up to my expectations. This began to hinder my helpful nature and brought a new sense of rage and sadness into my life. How dare these people not treat me the way I treated them? In reality, I had to realize that we are all wired differently. I cannot hold people to this unrealistic vision of what my perfect reality should look like. That notion is impossible and ridiculous.

This reality check has done wonders for me. I am not playing around here, I catch myself every day pulling this pity-party card! When I acknowledged this as a serious weakness for myself I was able to look myself in the mirror and say “get over yourself”.

If I TRULY want to help others, then it needs to be selflessly accomplished. Helping others for selfish reasons is pointless. When you begin to help others “just because”, your heart becomes so much more full!

My fellow type two’s! When you catch yourself doing things for others check yourself. Ask yourself these questions: Am I doing this for myself, or am I doing this for ______? Will I hold this act of kindness over ________’s head? Will I expect reciprocation from those I help? If you honestly ask yourself these questions and the answers come back selfish, then change your mindset. A true helper loves without any strings attached, helps others because they want to add more positivity to the world.

Type two’s are so amazing and have such a special gift for seeing where there is a need in this broken world. Do not use manipulation, but rather use true LOVE!

Luke 6:34-35 states “And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to get back the same amount. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.”

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