How Each Type Displays Love

ISTJ’s Work

ISTJ’s display their affection through their dedication and hard work! This personality type devotes themselves to their partners. To achieve the job of making their loved ones happy, excites and satisfies their soul! This type will show their love through little tasks such as doing the dishes, cleaning the car, picking up the dry cleaning, etc. ISTJ’s are selfless with their time. Don’t forget to affirm your loved ones my ISTJ friends!

ISTP’s Journey

ISTP’s will take you on their journey if they trust you! This type loves to live in the here-and-now. If they bring you on this ride with them they truly appreciate and adore you! If an ISTP decides to take you with them on one of their adventures they want to share this special part of themselves with you! Continue to experience life to the fullest my ISTP friends!

ESTP’s Excite

ESTP’s will keep you on your toes! This type is extremely spontaneous and is always ready to dive right into an adventure! These thrill seekers will fall head over heels in love. Once they have met their match they will pour all of their energy into the relationship. This becomes a sacred project to them as they find their love story to be their grand adventure!

ESTJ’s Help

ESTJ’s desire to help and be of service when they feel a deep connection. This type of person appreciates honesty and directness. They do not like to waste time with “fluff” but rather get down to the point of it all. With this being said, their feelings for others will not be kept secret. They are committed to putting a great amount of effort into their relationships as they are a success-oriented type. They want to be appreciated by their loved ones and genuinely like to be of service to those they care about.

ISFJ’s Give

ISFJ’s will share sentimental gifts with those they love and feel affection for. This type of person is extremely kind and nurturing. ISFJ’s seek harmony and dedicate themselves to those they care about. Although they may take a while to warm up to others, once they do they will give themselves wholly to those they trust. This loyal and trustful type deeply cares for others.

ISFP’s Act

ISFP’s will continually affirm you with their loving actions. This type can seem like a complete mystery at first, but once they open themselves up to those they love and trust, their partner and friends will never grow bored! ISFP’s live in the moment and like to enjoy the here-and-now. This type of person values actions over words and will relay the same mentality with their relationships.

ESFP’s Motivate

ESFP’s will motivate you to pursue your dreams! This type loves to entertain and excite others. When they find the love of their life their excitement will grow with the success of their loved ones. This type will enjoy the simplest of things, but what they love most is having fun with those they love! ESFP’s are fabulous cheerleaders!

ESFJ’s Provide

ESFJ’s will share their love for you with the world! When they find “the one” this type will show them off. This type will be the one to post multiple photos of themselves and their loved ones on social media. 😉 Their one goal is to provide for their loved ones and make sure they are happy. ESFJ’s feel at peace when the ones they love are happy.

INFJ’s Value

INFJ’s will open up their heart to those they love. When this type looks for a partner and even friendships, it is very important that they connect on a moral level. INFJ’s put their morals far above everything else. If they consider you as a partner or have you in their circle of friends, then you add meaning to their life. This type is extremely intuitive and trust their heart. This type truly values their connection with others.

INFP’s Affirm

INFP’s will write you love letters and poetry to display their affections. These dreamy idealists are the ultimate romantics and desire to find a deep connection with someone who truly gets their artistic soul. INFP’s are extremely kind and considerate humans who will open up and share the beauty of this world with those they trust.

ENFP’s Connect

ENFP’s desire to understand their loved ones deeply. ENFP’s want REAL TALK. They desperately want to understand others at their core. Once they feel like they have found someone that not only understands them but someone that has completely opened up to them, they will give them their heart. Small talk will not work with the ENFP, but true connection will. The connection is HUGE for the ENFP.

ENFJ’s Dream

ENFJ’s will dream up a grand future with their loved ones! This type enjoys life and wants to experience it to the fullest with their partner. It is very important that this type gets to know their loved ones before completely committing to the relationship. ENFJ’s are dependable friends and partners. With this being said, if your ENFJ chose you, then you are very important to them!

INTJ’s Focus

INTJ’s will listen to their loved one’s hearts. This type is full of confidence and intelligence. They will seek relationships that are strong and deep. INTJ’s trust their logic to find that right friends and partner. Although the INTJ is deeply intellectual and focused, they are romantics at heart. Traditionally valued and intuition focused, they will surround themselves with people who help them grow.

INTP’s Share

INTP’s will enjoy discussion their connection to their loved ones. This type is a low maintenance partner. When this type truly trusts and loves someone they will share all of their amazing ideas and theories. The INTP mind is always spinning with new and exciting notions to share with those they trust. This type needs a partner and friends that are intellectually and philisophically stimulating.

ENTP’s Listen

ENTP’s will let you win! This type doesn’t typically shut their mouth, but if they do they are clearly enjoying your presence. ENTP’s are the ultimate debaters and want someone who can also fire back. Witty in responses, this type will never bore you with their jarring comebacks and conversations. When they find their match, they together will take the world by storm.

ENTJ’s Build 

ENTJ’s will let you rule with them! This type works hard at everything they do, especially their relationships. Because their work ethic is so intense and such a big part of who they are, they will refuse to let their relationships fail. Once they have decided on owning their feelings, they will never let you go! (Also, ENTJ’s may seem like bossy-boss’, but they are true softies) 😉

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